Changeset 464 for DEV_TODO

06/30/11 19:22:20 (5 years ago)

updated citation, todo's from scipy pub

1 edited



    r240 r464  
     2#   M.M. McKerns, L. Strand, T. Sullivan, A. Fang, M.A.G. Aivazis, 
     3#   "Building a framework for predictive science", Proceedings of 
     4#   the 10th Python in Science Conference, (submitted 2011). 
     7# the function to be minimized and initial values  
     8from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     9x0 = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]  
     11# configure the solver and obtain the solution  
     12from mystic.solvers import fmin  
     13solution = fmin(my_model, x0) 
     17# the function to be minimized and initial values  
     18from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     19x0 = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]  
     21# get monitor and termination condition objects  
     22from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor  
     23stepmon = VerboseMonitor(5)  
     24evalmon = Monitor()  
     25from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     26COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     28# instantiate and configure the solver  
     29from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver  
     30solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))  
     34solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     36# obtain the solution  
     37solution = solver.bestSolution  
     39# obtain diagnostic information  
     40function_evals = solver.evaluations  
     41iterations = solver.generations  
     42cost = solver.bestEnergy  
     44# modify the solver configuration, and continue  
     45COG = ChangeOverGeneration(tolerance=1e-8)  
     46solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     48# obtain the new solution  
     49solution = solver.bestSolution 
     53# a user-provided constraints function  
     54def constrain(x):  
     55  x[1] = x[0]  
     56  return x  
     58# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     59from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     60lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     61ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     63# get termination condition object  
     64from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     65COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     67# instantiate and configure the solver  
     68from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver  
     69solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))  
     70solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     71solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     73solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     75# obtain the solution  
     76solution = solver.bestSolution  
     80# a user-provided constraints function  
     81constraints = """  
     82x2 = x1  
     84from mystic.constraints import parse  
     85constrain = parse(constraints)  
     89# generate a model from a stock 'model factory' 
     90from mystic.models.lorentzian import Lorentzian  
     91lorentz = Lorentzian(coeffs)  
     93# evaluate the model  
     94y = lorentz(x)  
     98# a user-provided model function  
     99def identify(x)  
     100  return x  
     102# add pathos infrastructure (included in mystic)  
     103from import modelFactory, Monitor  
     104evalmon = Monitor()  
     105my_model = modelFactory(identify, monitor=evalmon)  
     107# evaluate the model  
     108y = my_model(x)  
     110# evaluate the model with a map function  
     111from import PythonMap  
     112my_map = PythonMap()  
     113z = my_map(my_model, range(10))  
     117# a user-provided model function  
     118def identify(x)  
     119  return x  
     121# cast the model as a distributed service  
     122from pathos.servers import sshServer 
     123id = '' 
     124my_proxy = sshServer(identify, server=id)  
     126# evaluate the model via proxy  
     127y = my_proxy(x)  
     131# a user-provided model function  
     132def identify(x)  
     133  return x  
     135# select and configure a parallel map  
     136from pathos.maps import ipcPool  
     137my_map = ipcPool(2, servers=[''])  
     139# evaluate the model in parallel  
     140z = my_map(identify, range(10))  
     144# configure and build map  
     145from pathos.launchers import ipc  
     146from pathos.strategies import pool 
     147from import mapFactory  
     148my_map = mapFactory(launcher=ipc, strategy=pool)  
     152# establish a tunnel  
     153from pathos.tunnel import sshTunnel  
     154uid = '' 
     155tunnel_proxy = sshTunnel(uid)  
     157# inspect the ports  
     158localport = tunnel_proxy.lport  
     159remoteport = tunnel_proxy.rport  
     161# a user-provided model function  
     162def identify(x)  
     163  return x  
     165# cast the model as a distributed service  
     166from pathos.servers import ipcServer  
     167id = 'localhost:%s:bug01' % localport  
     168my_proxy = ipcServer(identify, server=id)  
     170# evaluate the model via tunneled proxy  
     171y = my_proxy(x)  
     173# disconnect the tunnel  
     178# configure and build map  
     179from pyina.launchers import mpirun  
     180from pyina.strategies import carddealer as card  
     181from import mapFactory  
     182my_map = mapFactory(4, launcher=mpirun, strategy=card)  
     186# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     187from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     188lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     189ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     191# get termination condition object  
     192from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     193COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     195# select the parallel launch configuration  
     196from pyina.maps import MpirunCarddealer  
     197my_map = MpirunCarddealer(4)  
     199# instantiate and configure the solver  
     200from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver  
     201solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(len(lb), 20)  
     202solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     203solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     205solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     207# obtain the solution  
     208solution = solver.bestSolution  
     212# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     213from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     214lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     215ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     217# get monitor and termination condition objects  
     218from mystic.monitors import LoggingMonitor  
     219stepmon = LoggingMonitor(1, ’log.txt’)  
     220from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     221COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     223# select the parallel launch configuration  
     224from pyina.maps import TorqueMpirunCarddealer  
     225my_map = TorqueMpirunCarddealer(’5:ppn=4’)  
     227# instantiate and configure the nested solver  
     228from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver  
     229my_solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(lb))  
     230my_solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     233# instantiate and configure the outer solver  
     234from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver  
     235solver = BuckshotSolver(len(lb), 20)  
     236solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     240solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     242# obtain the solution  
     243solution = solver.bestSolution 
     247# prepare a (F(X) - G)**2 a metric  
     248def costFactory(my_model, my_data):  
     249  def cost(param):  
     251    # compute the cost  
     252    return ( my_model(param) - my_data )**2  
     254  return cost  
     258The calculation of the diameter is performed as a nested 
     259optimization, as shown above for the BuckshotSolver. Each 
     260inner optimization is a calculation of a component 
     261suboscillation, using the a global optimizer  
     262(such as DifferentialEvolutionSolver) and the cost  
     263metric shown above. 
     266# prepare a (F(X) - F(X'))**2 cost metric  
     267def suboscillationFactory(my_model, i):  
     268  def cost(param):  
     270    # get X and X' (Xi' is appended to X at param[-1])  
     271    x = param[:-1]  
     272    x_prime = param[:i] + param[-1:] + param[i+1:-1]  
     274    # compute the suboscillation  
     275    return -( my_model(x) - my_model(x_prime) )**2  
     277  return cost 
     281Global optimizations used in solving OUQ problems are  
     282composed in the same manner as shown above for the  
     286# OUQ requires bounds in a very specific form...  
     287# param = [wxi]*nx + [xi]*nx + [wyi]*ny + [yi]*ny + [wzi]*nz + [zi]*nz  
     288npts = (nx,ny,nz)  
     289lb = (nx * w_lower) + (nx * x_lower) \  
     290   + (ny * w_lower) + (ny * y_lower) \  
     291   + (nz * w_lower) + (nz * z_lower)  
     292ub = (nx * w_upper) + (nx * x_upper) \  
     293   + (ny * w_upper) + (ny * y_upper) \  
     294   + (nz * w_upper) + (nz * z_upper)  
     296from mystic.math.measures import split_param  
     297from mystic.math.dirac_measure import product_measure  
     298from mystic.math import almostEqual  
     300# split bounds into weight-only & sample-only  
     301w_lb, m_lb = split_param(lb, npts)  
     302w_ub, m_ub = split_param(ub, npts)  
     304# generate constraints function  
     305def constraints(param):  
     306  prodmeasure = product_measure()  
     307  prodmeasure.load(param, npts)  
     309  # impose norm on measures  
     310  for measure in prodmeasure:  
     311    if not almostEqual(float(measure.mass), 1.0):  
     312      measure.normalize()  
     314  # impose expectation on product measure  
     315  E = float(prodmeasure.get_expect(my_model))  
     316    if not (E <= float(target_mean + error)) \  
     317    or not (float(target_mean - error) <= E): 
     318      prodmeasure.set_expect((target_mean, error), my_model, (m_lb, m_ub))  
     320  # extract weights and positions  
     321  return prodmeasure.flatten()  
     323# generate maximizing function  
     324def cost(param):  
     325  prodmeasure = product_measure()  
     326  prodmeasure.load(param, npts)  
     327  return MINMAX * prodmeasure.pof(my_model) 
    2332* Add more python optimizers: scipy, OpenOpt, PARK (snobfit) 
    17347* <-- Find OpenOpt's model & optimizer API --> 
    18348* <-- Find DAKOTA's model & optimizer API --> 
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