Changeset 566 for branches

09/21/12 15:07:30 (4 years ago)

data plotter now 'scenario' plotter
support options similar to support_hypercube, and existing data plotter options
cones are mostly-translucent; cones and data are optional; allow color scaling

1 moved


  • branches/UQ/math/legacy/

    r565 r566  
    11#!/usr/bin/env python 
    22__doc__ = """ 
    3 [options] filename datafile 
    5 generate scenario support plots from file written with 'write_support_file' 
    6 and a dataset file 
    8 The options "bounds", "axes", and "iters" all take indicator strings. [options] filename (datafile) 
     5generate scenario support plots from file written with 'write_support_file'; 
     6generate legacy data and cones from a dataset file, if provided 
     8The options "bounds", "dim", and "iters" all take indicator strings. 
    99The bounds should be given as a quoted list of tuples.  For example, using 
    1010bounds = "[(.062,.125),(0,30),(2300,3200)]" will set the lower and upper bounds 
    11 for x to be (.062,.125), y to be (0,30), and z to be (2300,3200). Similarly, 
    12 axes also accepts a quoted list of tuples; however, for axes, the first tuple 
    13 indicates which parameters are along the x direction, the second tuple for 
    14 the y direction, and the third tuple for the z direction. Thus, axes = 
    15 "[(2,3),(6,7),(10,11)]" would set the 2nd and 3rd parameters along x. Iters, 
    16 however, accepts a list of strings instead of a list of tuples. For example, 
     11for x to be (.062,.125), y to be (0,30), and z to be (2300,3200). I bounds 
     12are to not be strictly enforced, append an asterisk '*' to the bounds.  
     13The dim (dimensions of the scenario) should be a quoted tuple.  For example, 
     14dim = "(1,1,2)" will convert the params to a two-member 3-D dataset. Iters 
     15takes a list of strings instead of a tuple or a list of tuples. For example, 
    1716iters = "[':']" will plot all iters in a single plot. Alternatively, 
    1817iters = "[':2','2:']" will split the iters into two plots, while 
    2827Required Inputs: 
    2928  filename            name of the python convergence logfile (e.g. 
     30Additional Inputs: 
    3031  datafile            name of the dataset textfile (e.g. StAlDataset.txt) 
    3435#### building the cone primitive #### 
    35 def cone_builder(slope, bounds): 
     36def cone_builder(slope, bounds, strict=True): 
    3637  """ factory to create a cone primitive 
    6667  lb,ub = zip(*bounds) 
    6768  # if False, the cone surface may violate bounds 
    68   strict = True # always respect the bounds 
     69 #strict = True # always respect the bounds 
    7071  def cone(position, top=True): 
    9899#### plotting the cones #### 
    99 def plot_cones(ax, data, slope, bounds, color='0.75', axis=None): 
     100def plot_cones(ax, data, slope, bounds, color='0.75', axis=None, strict=True): 
    100101  """plot double cones for a given dataset 
    111112  bounds = swap(bounds, axis)  
    112113  data = [swap(pt,axis) for pt in data] 
    113   cone = cone_builder(slope, bounds) 
     114  cone = cone_builder(slope, bounds, strict=strict) 
    114115  # plot the upper and lower cone 
    115116  for datapt in data: 
    117118    if _cone: 
    118119      X,Z,Y = swap(_cone, axis) # 'unswap' the axes 
    119       ax.plot_surface(X, Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=color)  
     120      ax.plot_surface(X, Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=color, \ 
     121                                         linewidths=0, alpha=.1) 
    120122    _cone = cone(datapt, top=False) 
    121123    if _cone: 
    122124      X,Z,Y = swap(_cone, axis) # 'unswap' the axes 
    123       ax.plot_surface(X, Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=color) 
     125      ax.plot_surface(X, Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=color, \ 
     126                                         linewidths=0, alpha=.1) 
    124127  return ax 
    126 def plot_data(ax, data, bounds, color='red'): 
     129def plot_data(ax, data, bounds, color='red', strict=True): 
    127130  """plot datapoints for a given dataset 
    132135  color -- string name (or rbg value) of color to use for datapoints 
    134   strict = True # always respect the bounds 
     137# strict = True # always respect the bounds 
    135138  lb,ub = zip(*bounds) 
    136139  # plot the datapoints themselves 
    140143    d_hi = ub - position 
    141144    d_lo = lb - position 
    142     if strict and (any(d_hi < 0) or any(d_lo > 0)): 
     145    if strict and (any(d_hi < 0) or any(d_lo > 0)): #XXX: any or just in Y ? 
    143146      pass  # don't plot if datapt is out of bounds 
    144147    else: 
    170173  ax.set_zlabel(labels[2]) # cone "center" axis 
    171174  return ax 
     176def get_slope(data, replace=None): 
     177  """ replace one slope in a list of slopes with '1.0' 
     178  (i.e. replace a slope from the dataset with the unit slope) 
     180  data -- dataset object, where coordinates are 3-tuples and values are floats 
     181  replace -- selected axis (an int) to plot values NOT coords 
     182  """ 
     183  slope = data.lipschitz 
     184  if replace not in range(len(slope)):  # don't replace an axis 
     185    return slope 
     186  return slope[:replace] + [1.0] + slope[replace+1:] 
    173188def get_coords(data, replace=None): 
    182197  values = data.values 
    183198  if replace not in range(len(slope)):  # don't replace an axis 
    184     return coords, slope 
    185   slope = slope[:replace] + [1.0] + slope[replace+1:] 
    186   coords = [coords[i][:replace] + [values[i]] + coords[i][replace+1:] \ 
    187                               for i in range(len(coords))] 
    188   return coords, slope 
     199    return coords 
     200  return [list(coords[i][:replace]) + [values[i]] + \ 
     201          list(coords[i][replace+1:]) for i in range(len(coords))] 
    190203def swap(alist, index=None): 
    198211  return alist[:index] + alist[index+1:] + alist[index:index+1] 
     213from support_convergence import best_dimensions 
    201216if __name__ == '__main__': 
    208223                    metavar="STR",default="[(0,1),(0,1),(0,1)]", 
    209224                    help="indicator string to set hypercube bounds") 
    210 # parser.add_option("-x","--axes",action="store",dest="xyz",\ 
    211 #                   metavar="STR",default="[(0,),(1,),(2,)]", 
    212 #                   help="indicator string to assign parameter to axis") 
     225  parser.add_option("-i","--iters",action="store",dest="iters",\ 
     226                    metavar="STR",default="['-1']", 
     227                    help="indicator string to select iterations to plot") 
    213228  parser.add_option("-l","--label",action="store",dest="label",\ 
    214229                    metavar="STR",default="['','','']", 
    215230                    help="string to assign label to axis") 
     231  parser.add_option("-d","--dim",action="store",dest="dim",\ 
     232                    metavar="STR",default="(1,1,1)", 
     233                    help="indicator string set to scenario dimensions") 
    216234  parser.add_option("-r","--replace",action="store",dest="replace",\ 
    217235                    metavar="INT",default=None, 
    218236                    help="id # of axis to plot values NOT coords") 
    219   parser.add_option("-v","--vertical",action="store_true",dest="vertical",\ 
    220                     default=False,help="always plot cones on vertical axis") 
     237  parser.add_option("-n","--nid",action="store",dest="id",\ 
     238                    metavar="INT",default=None, 
     239                    help="id # of the nth simultaneous points to plot") 
     240  parser.add_option("-s","--scale",action="store",dest="scale",\ 
     241                    metavar="FLOAT",default=1.0, 
     242                    help="multiplier for scaling color of points in plot") 
     243  parser.add_option("-o","--datapts",action="store_true",dest="legacy",\ 
     244                    default=False,help="plot legacy data, if provided") 
     245  parser.add_option("-v","--cones",action="store_true",dest="cones",\ 
     246                    default=False,help="plot cones, if provided") 
     247  parser.add_option("-z","--vertical",action="store_true",dest="vertical",\ 
     248                    default=False,help="always plot values on vertical axis") 
     249  parser.add_option("-f","--flat",action="store_true",dest="flatten",\ 
     250                    default=False,help="show selected iterations in a single plot") 
    221251  parsed_opts, parsed_args = parser.parse_args() 
    223 # try:  # get the name of the parameter log file 
    224 #   file = parsed_args[0] 
    225 #   import re 
    226 #   file = re.sub('\.py*.$', '', file)  #XXX: strip off .py* extension 
    227 # except: 
    228 #   raise IOError, "please provide log file name" 
    229 # try:  # read standard logfile 
    230 #   from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, raw_to_support 
    231 #   _step, params, _cost = logfile_reader(file) 
    232 #   params, _cost = raw_to_support(params, _cost) 
    233 # except: 
    234 #   exec "from %s import params" % file 
    235 #   #exec "from %s import meta" % file 
    236 #   # would be nice to use meta = ['wx','wx2','x','x2','wy',...] 
     253  try:  # get the name of the parameter log file 
     254    file = parsed_args[0] 
     255    import re 
     256    file = re.sub('\.py*.$', '', file)  #XXX: strip off .py* extension 
     257  except: 
     258    raise IOError, "please provide log file name" 
     259  try:  # read standard logfile 
     260    from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, raw_to_support 
     261    _step, params, _cost = logfile_reader(file) 
     262    params, _cost = raw_to_support(params, _cost) 
     263  except: 
     264    exec "from %s import params" % file 
     265    #exec "from %s import meta" % file 
     266    # would be nice to use meta = ['wx','wx2','x','x2','wy',...] 
     268  from dirac_measure import scenario 
     269  from legacydata import dataset 
     270  try: # select whether to plot the cones 
     271    cones = parsed_opts.cones 
     272  except: 
     273    cones = False 
     275  try: # select whether to plot the legacy data 
     276    legacy = parsed_opts.legacy 
     277  except: 
     278    legacy = False 
    238280  try:  # get the name of the dataset file 
    239     file = parsed_args[0] 
     281    file = parsed_args[1] 
    240282    from legacydata import load_dataset 
    241283    data = load_dataset(file) 
    242284  except: 
    243     raise IOError, "please provide dataset file name" 
     285#   raise IOError, "please provide dataset file name" 
     286    data = dataset() 
     287    cones = False 
     288    legacy = False 
     290  try: # select the scenario dimensions 
     291    npts = eval(parsed_opts.dim)  # format is "(1,1,1)" 
     292  except: 
     293    npts = (1,1,1) #XXX: better in parsed_args ? 
    245295  try: # select the bounds 
    246     bounds = eval(parsed_opts.bounds)  # format is "[(60,105),(0,30),(2.1,2.8)]" 
    247   except: 
     296    _bounds = parsed_opts.bounds 
     297    if _bounds[-1] == "*": #XXX: then bounds are NOT strictly enforced 
     298      _bounds = _bounds[:-1] 
     299      strict = False 
     300    else: 
     301      strict = True 
     302    bounds = eval(_bounds)  # format is "[(60,105),(0,30),(2.1,2.8)]" 
     303  except: 
     304    strict = True 
    248305    bounds = [(0,1),(0,1),(0,1)] 
    253310    label = ['','',''] 
     312  x = params[-1] 
     313  try: # select which iterations to plot 
     314    select = eval(parsed_opts.iters)  # format is "[':2','2:4','5','6:']" 
     315  except: 
     316    select = ['-1'] 
     317   #select = [':'] 
     318   #select = [':1'] 
     319   #select = [':2','2:'] 
     320   #select = [':1','1:2','2:3','3:'] 
     321   #select = ['0','1','2','3'] 
     323  try: # collapse non-consecutive iterations into a single plot... 
     324    flatten = parsed_opts.flatten 
     325  except: 
     326    flatten = False 
     328  try: # select which 'id' to plot results for 
     329    id = int( 
     330  except: 
     331    id = None # i.e. 'all' **or** use id=0, which should be 'best' energy ? 
     333  try: # scale the color in plotting the weights 
     334    scale = float(parsed_opts.scale) 
     335  except: 
     336    scale = 1.0 # color = color**scale 
    255338  try: # select which axis to plot 'values' on 
    256339    xs = int(parsed_opts.replace) 
    263346    vertical_cones = False 
    265   # ensure all terms of bounds and xyz are tuples 
     348  # ensure all terms of bounds are tuples 
    266349  for bound in bounds: 
    267350    if not isinstance(bound, tuple): 
    268351      raise TypeError, "bounds should be tuples of (lower_bound,upper_bound)" 
    269 # for i in range(len(xyz)): 
    270 #   if isinstance(xyz[i], int): 
    271 #     xyz[i] = (xyz[i],) 
    272 #   elif not isinstance(xyz[i], tuple): 
    273 #     raise TypeError, "xyz should be tuples of (param1,param2,param3,...)" 
    275   # get coords (and values) for selected axes 
    276   coords, slope = get_coords(data, xs) 
    277   print "bounds: %s" % bounds 
    278   print "slope: %s" % slope 
    279  #print "coords: %s" % coords 
     353  # ensure all terms of select are strings that have a ":" 
     354  for i in range(len(select)): 
     355    if isinstance(select[i], int): select[i] = str(select[i]) 
     356    if select[i] == '-1': select[i] = 'len(x)-1:len(x)' 
     357    elif not select[i].count(':'): 
     358      select[i] += ':' + str(int(select[i])+1) 
     360  # take only the selected 'id' 
     361  if id != None: 
     362    param = [] 
     363    for j in range(len(params)): 
     364      param.append([p[id] for p in params[j]]) 
     365    params = param[:] 
     367  # at this point, we should have: 
     368  #bounds = [(60,105),(0,30),(2.1,2.8)] or [(None,None),(None,None),(None,None)] 
     369  #select = ['-1:'] or [':'] or [':1','1:2','2:3','3:'] or similar 
     370  #id = 0 or None 
     372  # get dataset coords (and values) for selected axes 
     373  if data: 
     374    slope = get_slope(data, xs) 
     375    coords = get_coords(data, xs) 
     376    #print "bounds: %s" % bounds 
     377    #print "slope: %s" % slope 
     378    #print "coords: %s" % coords 
     379 #else: 
     380 #  slope = [] 
     381 #  coords = [] 
     383  from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
     384  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
     385  from matplotlib.axes import subplot_class_factory 
     386  Subplot3D = subplot_class_factory(Axes3D) 
     388  plots = len(select) 
     389  if not flatten: 
     390    dim1,dim2 = best_dimensions(plots) 
     391  else: dim1,dim2 = 1,1 
    281393  # use the default bounds where not specified 
    285397    if bounds[i][1] is None: bounds[i][1] = 1 
    287   import matplotlib  
    288   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
    289   from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  
     399  # swap the axes appropriately when plotting cones 
     400  if vertical_cones and xs in range(len(bounds)): # we are replacing an axis 
     401    # adjust slope, bounds, and data so cone axis is last  
     402    if data: 
     403      slope = swap(slope, xs)  
     404      coords = [swap(pt,xs) for pt in coords] 
     405    bounds = swap(bounds, xs)  
     406    label = swap(label, xs) 
     407    axis = None 
     408  else: 
     409    axis = xs 
     411  # correctly bound the first plot.  there must be at least one plot 
    290412  fig = plt.figure()  
    291   ax = Axes3D(fig)#,aspect='equal')  
    292   if xs in range(len(bounds)):  # we are replacing an axis 
    293     if vertical_cones: 
    294       # adjust slope, bounds, and data so cone axis is last  
    295       slope = swap(slope, xs)  
    296       bounds = swap(bounds, xs)  
    297       coords = [swap(pt,xs) for pt in coords] 
    298       label = swap(label, xs) 
    299       xs = None 
    300     plot_cones(ax, coords, slope, bounds, axis=xs) 
    301   plot_data(ax, coords, bounds) 
    302  #clip_axes(ax, bounds) 
    303   label_axes(ax, label) 
     413  ax1 = Subplot3D(fig, dim1,dim2,1) 
     414  ax1.plot([bounds[0][0]],[bounds[1][0]],[bounds[2][0]]) 
     415  ax1.plot([bounds[0][1]],[bounds[1][1]],[bounds[2][1]]) 
     416  if not flatten: 
     417    exec "plt.title('iterations[%s]')" % select[0] 
     418  else: 
     419    exec "plt.title('iterations[*]')" 
     420  if cones and data and axis in range(len(bounds)): 
     421    plot_cones(ax1,coords,slope,bounds,axis=axis,strict=strict) 
     422  if legacy and data: 
     423    plot_data(ax1,coords,bounds,strict=strict) 
     424 #clip_axes(ax1,bounds) 
     425  label_axes(ax1,label) 
     426  a = [ax1] 
     428  # set up additional plots 
     429  if not flatten: 
     430    for i in range(2, plots + 1): 
     431      exec "ax%d = Subplot3D(fig, dim1,dim2,%d)" % (i,i) 
     432      exec "ax%d.plot([bounds[0][0]],[bounds[1][0]],[bounds[2][0]])" % i 
     433      exec "ax%d.plot([bounds[0][1]],[bounds[1][1]],[bounds[2][1]])" % i 
     434      exec "plt.title('iterations[%s]')" % select[i - 1] 
     435      if cones and data and axis in range(len(bounds)): 
     436        exec "plot_cones(ax%d,coords,slope,bounds,axis=axis,strict=strict)" % i 
     437      if legacy and data: 
     438        exec "plot_data(ax%d,coords,bounds,strict=strict)" % i 
     439     #exec "clip_axes(ax%d,bounds)" % i 
     440      exec "label_axes(ax%d,label)" % i 
     441      exec "a.append(ax%d)" % i 
     443  # turn each "n:m" in select to a list 
     444  _select = [] 
     445  for sel in select: 
     446    if sel[0] == ':': _select.append("0"+sel) 
     447    else: _select.append(sel) 
     448  for i in range(len(_select)): 
     449    if _select[i][-1] == ':': select[i] = _select[i]+str(len(x)) 
     450    else: select[i] = _select[i] 
     451  for i in range(len(select)): 
     452    p = select[i].split(":") 
     453    if p[0][0] == '-': p[0] = "len(x)"+p[0] 
     454    if p[1][0] == '-': p[1] = "len(x)"+p[1] 
     455    select[i] = p[0]+":"+p[1] 
     456  steps = [eval("range(%s)" % sel.replace(":",",")) for sel in select] 
     458  # at this point, we should have: 
     459  #steps = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4,5,6,7,8]] or similar 
     460  if flatten: 
     461    from import flatten 
     462    steps = [list(flatten(steps))] 
     464  # plot all the scenario "data" 
     465  from numpy import inf, e 
     466  scale = e**(scale - 1.0) 
     467  for v in range(len(steps)): 
     468    if len(steps[v]) > 1: qp = float(max(steps[v])) 
     469    else: qp = inf 
     470    for s in steps[v]: 
     471      par = eval("[params[q][%s][0] for q in range(len(params))]" % s) 
     472      pm = scenario() 
     473      pm.load(par, npts) 
     474      d = dataset() 
     475      d.load(pm.coords, pm.values) 
     476      # dot color determined by number of simultaneous iterations 
     477      t = str((s/qp)**scale) 
     478      # get and plot dataset coords for selected axes       
     479      plot_data(a[v], get_coords(d, xs), bounds, color=t, strict=strict) 
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