Changeset 131

03/29/09 13:09:27 (7 years ago)

added patch1 for mystic-0.1a1 (see ticket #39), fixed #39 in trunk

2 added
10 edited


  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    4444    # draw the plot 
    45     pylab.suptitle("minimium of Rosenbrock's function") 
     45    pylab.title("minimium of Rosenbrock's function") 
    4646    pylab.xlabel("x, y, z") 
    4747    pylab.ylabel("f(i) = Rosenbrock's function") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    3838    # draw the plot 
    39     pylab.suptitle("Rosenbrock parameter convergence") 
     39    pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence") 
    4040    pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations") 
    4141    pylab.ylabel("parameter value") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    2626# draw the plot 
    2727def plot_frame(): 
    28     pylab.suptitle("Rosenbrock parameter convergence") 
     28    pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence") 
    2929    pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations") 
    3030    pylab.ylabel("parameter value") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    2525# draw the plot 
    2626def plot_exact(): 
    27     pylab.suptitle("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
     27    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
    2828    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    2929    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    2626# draw the plot 
    2727def plot_exact(): 
    28     pylab.suptitle("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
     28    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
    2929    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    3030    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    3131# draw the plot 
    3232def plot_exact(): 
    33     pylab.suptitle("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
     33    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
    3434    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    3535    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    3333# draw the plot 
    3434def plot_exact(): 
    35     pylab.suptitle("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
     35    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
    3636    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    3737    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    3232def plot_frame(label=None): 
    3333    pylab.close() 
    34     pylab.suptitle("8th-order Chebyshev coefficient convergence") 
     34    pylab.title("8th-order Chebyshev coefficient convergence") 
    3535    pylab.xlabel("Differential Evolution %s" % label) 
    3636    pylab.ylabel("Chi-Squared") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r126 r131  
    3232def plot_frame(label=None): 
    3333    pylab.close() 
    34     pylab.suptitle("8th-order Chebyshev coefficient convergence") 
     34    pylab.title("8th-order Chebyshev coefficient convergence") 
    3535    pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead Simplex Solver %s" % label) 
    3636    pylab.ylabel("Chi-Squared") 
    5252# draw the plot 
    5353def plot_exact(): 
    54     pylab.suptitle("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
     54    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients") 
    5555    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    5656    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
  • mystic/examples/

    r129 r131  
    5656def plot_frame(label=None): 
    5757    pylab.close() 
    58     pylab.suptitle("fitting noisy 5th-order polynomial coefficients") 
     58    pylab.title("fitting noisy 5th-order polynomial coefficients") 
    5959    pylab.xlabel("x") 
    6060    pylab.ylabel("f(x)") 
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