Changeset 464

06/30/11 19:22:20 (5 years ago)

updated citation, todo's from scipy pub

2 edited



    r240 r464  
     2#   M.M. McKerns, L. Strand, T. Sullivan, A. Fang, M.A.G. Aivazis, 
     3#   "Building a framework for predictive science", Proceedings of 
     4#   the 10th Python in Science Conference, (submitted 2011). 
     7# the function to be minimized and initial values  
     8from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     9x0 = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]  
     11# configure the solver and obtain the solution  
     12from mystic.solvers import fmin  
     13solution = fmin(my_model, x0) 
     17# the function to be minimized and initial values  
     18from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     19x0 = [0.8, 1.2, 0.7]  
     21# get monitor and termination condition objects  
     22from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor  
     23stepmon = VerboseMonitor(5)  
     24evalmon = Monitor()  
     25from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     26COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     28# instantiate and configure the solver  
     29from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver  
     30solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))  
     34solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     36# obtain the solution  
     37solution = solver.bestSolution  
     39# obtain diagnostic information  
     40function_evals = solver.evaluations  
     41iterations = solver.generations  
     42cost = solver.bestEnergy  
     44# modify the solver configuration, and continue  
     45COG = ChangeOverGeneration(tolerance=1e-8)  
     46solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     48# obtain the new solution  
     49solution = solver.bestSolution 
     53# a user-provided constraints function  
     54def constrain(x):  
     55  x[1] = x[0]  
     56  return x  
     58# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     59from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     60lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     61ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     63# get termination condition object  
     64from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     65COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     67# instantiate and configure the solver  
     68from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver  
     69solver = NelderMeadSimplexSolver(len(x0))  
     70solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     71solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     73solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     75# obtain the solution  
     76solution = solver.bestSolution  
     80# a user-provided constraints function  
     81constraints = """  
     82x2 = x1  
     84from mystic.constraints import parse  
     85constrain = parse(constraints)  
     89# generate a model from a stock 'model factory' 
     90from mystic.models.lorentzian import Lorentzian  
     91lorentz = Lorentzian(coeffs)  
     93# evaluate the model  
     94y = lorentz(x)  
     98# a user-provided model function  
     99def identify(x)  
     100  return x  
     102# add pathos infrastructure (included in mystic)  
     103from import modelFactory, Monitor  
     104evalmon = Monitor()  
     105my_model = modelFactory(identify, monitor=evalmon)  
     107# evaluate the model  
     108y = my_model(x)  
     110# evaluate the model with a map function  
     111from import PythonMap  
     112my_map = PythonMap()  
     113z = my_map(my_model, range(10))  
     117# a user-provided model function  
     118def identify(x)  
     119  return x  
     121# cast the model as a distributed service  
     122from pathos.servers import sshServer 
     123id = '' 
     124my_proxy = sshServer(identify, server=id)  
     126# evaluate the model via proxy  
     127y = my_proxy(x)  
     131# a user-provided model function  
     132def identify(x)  
     133  return x  
     135# select and configure a parallel map  
     136from pathos.maps import ipcPool  
     137my_map = ipcPool(2, servers=[''])  
     139# evaluate the model in parallel  
     140z = my_map(identify, range(10))  
     144# configure and build map  
     145from pathos.launchers import ipc  
     146from pathos.strategies import pool 
     147from import mapFactory  
     148my_map = mapFactory(launcher=ipc, strategy=pool)  
     152# establish a tunnel  
     153from pathos.tunnel import sshTunnel  
     154uid = '' 
     155tunnel_proxy = sshTunnel(uid)  
     157# inspect the ports  
     158localport = tunnel_proxy.lport  
     159remoteport = tunnel_proxy.rport  
     161# a user-provided model function  
     162def identify(x)  
     163  return x  
     165# cast the model as a distributed service  
     166from pathos.servers import ipcServer  
     167id = 'localhost:%s:bug01' % localport  
     168my_proxy = ipcServer(identify, server=id)  
     170# evaluate the model via tunneled proxy  
     171y = my_proxy(x)  
     173# disconnect the tunnel  
     178# configure and build map  
     179from pyina.launchers import mpirun  
     180from pyina.strategies import carddealer as card  
     181from import mapFactory  
     182my_map = mapFactory(4, launcher=mpirun, strategy=card)  
     186# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     187from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     188lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     189ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     191# get termination condition object  
     192from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     193COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     195# select the parallel launch configuration  
     196from pyina.maps import MpirunCarddealer  
     197my_map = MpirunCarddealer(4)  
     199# instantiate and configure the solver  
     200from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver  
     201solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(len(lb), 20)  
     202solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     203solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     205solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     207# obtain the solution  
     208solution = solver.bestSolution  
     212# the function to be minimized and the bounds  
     213from mystic.models import rosen as my_model  
     214lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  
     215ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]  
     217# get monitor and termination condition objects  
     218from mystic.monitors import LoggingMonitor  
     219stepmon = LoggingMonitor(1, ’log.txt’)  
     220from mystic.termination import ChangeOverGeneration  
     221COG = ChangeOverGeneration()  
     223# select the parallel launch configuration  
     224from pyina.maps import TorqueMpirunCarddealer  
     225my_map = TorqueMpirunCarddealer(’5:ppn=4’)  
     227# instantiate and configure the nested solver  
     228from mystic.solvers import PowellDirectionalSolver  
     229my_solver = PowellDirectionalSolver(len(lb))  
     230my_solver.SetStrictRanges(lb, ub)  
     233# instantiate and configure the outer solver  
     234from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver  
     235solver = BuckshotSolver(len(lb), 20)  
     236solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(lb, ub)  
     240solver.Solve(my_model, COG)  
     242# obtain the solution  
     243solution = solver.bestSolution 
     247# prepare a (F(X) - G)**2 a metric  
     248def costFactory(my_model, my_data):  
     249  def cost(param):  
     251    # compute the cost  
     252    return ( my_model(param) - my_data )**2  
     254  return cost  
     258The calculation of the diameter is performed as a nested 
     259optimization, as shown above for the BuckshotSolver. Each 
     260inner optimization is a calculation of a component 
     261suboscillation, using the a global optimizer  
     262(such as DifferentialEvolutionSolver) and the cost  
     263metric shown above. 
     266# prepare a (F(X) - F(X'))**2 cost metric  
     267def suboscillationFactory(my_model, i):  
     268  def cost(param):  
     270    # get X and X' (Xi' is appended to X at param[-1])  
     271    x = param[:-1]  
     272    x_prime = param[:i] + param[-1:] + param[i+1:-1]  
     274    # compute the suboscillation  
     275    return -( my_model(x) - my_model(x_prime) )**2  
     277  return cost 
     281Global optimizations used in solving OUQ problems are  
     282composed in the same manner as shown above for the  
     286# OUQ requires bounds in a very specific form...  
     287# param = [wxi]*nx + [xi]*nx + [wyi]*ny + [yi]*ny + [wzi]*nz + [zi]*nz  
     288npts = (nx,ny,nz)  
     289lb = (nx * w_lower) + (nx * x_lower) \  
     290   + (ny * w_lower) + (ny * y_lower) \  
     291   + (nz * w_lower) + (nz * z_lower)  
     292ub = (nx * w_upper) + (nx * x_upper) \  
     293   + (ny * w_upper) + (ny * y_upper) \  
     294   + (nz * w_upper) + (nz * z_upper)  
     296from mystic.math.measures import split_param  
     297from mystic.math.dirac_measure import product_measure  
     298from mystic.math import almostEqual  
     300# split bounds into weight-only & sample-only  
     301w_lb, m_lb = split_param(lb, npts)  
     302w_ub, m_ub = split_param(ub, npts)  
     304# generate constraints function  
     305def constraints(param):  
     306  prodmeasure = product_measure()  
     307  prodmeasure.load(param, npts)  
     309  # impose norm on measures  
     310  for measure in prodmeasure:  
     311    if not almostEqual(float(measure.mass), 1.0):  
     312      measure.normalize()  
     314  # impose expectation on product measure  
     315  E = float(prodmeasure.get_expect(my_model))  
     316    if not (E <= float(target_mean + error)) \  
     317    or not (float(target_mean - error) <= E): 
     318      prodmeasure.set_expect((target_mean, error), my_model, (m_lb, m_ub))  
     320  # extract weights and positions  
     321  return prodmeasure.flatten()  
     323# generate maximizing function  
     324def cost(param):  
     325  prodmeasure = product_measure()  
     326  prodmeasure.load(param, npts)  
     327  return MINMAX * prodmeasure.pof(my_model) 
    2332* Add more python optimizers: scipy, OpenOpt, PARK (snobfit) 
    17347* <-- Find OpenOpt's model & optimizer API --> 
    18348* <-- Find DAKOTA's model & optimizer API --> 
  • mystic/mystic/

    r336 r464  
    55#                 Mike McKerns, Alta Fang, & Patrick Hung, Caltech 
    6 #                        (C) 1997-2010  All Rights Reserved 
     6#                        (C) 1997-2011  All Rights Reserved 
    88# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
    204 Copyright (c) 2010 California Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. 
     204Copyright (c) 2011 California Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. 
    207207If you use this software to do productive scientific research that leads to 
    208208publication, we ask that you acknowledge use of the software by citing the 
    209 following paper in your publication:: 
    211     "mystic: a simple model-independent inversion framework", 
    212      Michael McKerns, Patrick Hung, and Michael Aivazis, unpublished; 
     209following in your publication:: 
     211    M.M. McKerns, L. Strand, T. Sullivan, A. Fang, M.A.G. Aivazis, 
     212    "Building a framework for predictive science", Proceedings of 
     213    the 10th Python in Science Conference, (submitted 2011). 
     215    Michael McKerns, Patrick Hung, and Michael Aivazis, 
     216    "mystic: a simple model-independent inversion framework", 2009- ; 
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