Changeset 658 for branches

04/06/13 09:25:33 (3 years ago)

merged the different variants of memoized decorator

4 edited


  • branches/decorate/

    r657 r658  
    2 a decorator named 'memoized' that can memoize a *method* on an object. 
     2decorators that cache results to memory, to file, or to a database 
     5__all__ = ['memoize','memoized','archive_dict','db_dict'] 
    47def isiterable(x): 
    58 #try: 
    4346  def dec(f): 
    4447    def func(*args, **kwds): 
    45       _deep_round = deep_round_factory(tol) 
    46       _args,_kwds = _deep_round(*args, **kwds) 
     48      if tol is None: 
     49        _args,_kwds = args,kwds 
     50      else: 
     51        _deep_round = deep_round_factory(tol) 
     52        _args,_kwds = _deep_round(*args, **kwds) 
    4753      return f(*_args, **_kwds) 
    4854    return func 
    6571  def dec(f): 
    6672    def func(*args, **kwds): 
    67       _simple_round = simple_round_factory(tol) 
    68       _args,_kwds = _simple_round(*args, **kwds) 
     73      if tol is None: 
     74        _args,_kwds = args,kwds 
     75      else: 
     76        _simple_round = simple_round_factory(tol) 
     77        _args,_kwds = _simple_round(*args, **kwds) 
    6978      return f(*_args, **_kwds) 
    7079    return func 
    94103  def dec(f): 
    95104    def func(*args, **kwds): 
    96       _shallow_round = shallow_round_factory(tol) 
    97       _args,_kwds = _shallow_round(*args, **kwds) 
     105      if tol is None: 
     106        _args,_kwds = args,kwds 
     107      else: 
     108        _shallow_round = shallow_round_factory(tol) 
     109        _args,_kwds = _shallow_round(*args, **kwds) 
    98110      return f(*_args, **_kwds) 
    99111    return func 
    103 def get_archive(archive): 
    104     import dill as pickle 
    105     try: 
    106         f = open(archive, 'rb') 
    107         cache = pickle.load(f) 
    108         f.close() 
    109     except: 
    110         cache = {} 
    111     return cache 
    114 def load_factory(memo=None): 
    115     if memo is None: memo = {} 
    116     def load(archive=None, *args): 
    117         cache = get_archive(archive) 
    118         if not args: 
    119             memo.update(cache) 
    120         for arg in args: 
    121             if cache.has_key(arg): 
    122                 memo.update({arg:cache[arg]}) 
    123         cache.clear() 
    124         return 
    125     return load 
    128 def dump_factory(memo=None): 
    129     if memo is None: memo = {} 
    130     import dill as pickle 
    131     def dump(archive=None, *args): 
    132         cache = get_archive(archive) 
    133         for arg in args: 
    134             if memo.has_key(arg): 
    135                 cache.update({arg:memo[arg]}) 
    136         if not args: 
    137             cache.update(memo) 
    138         try: 
    139             f = open(archive, 'wb') 
    140             pickle.dump(cache, f) 
    141         except: 
    142             pass  #XXX: warning? fail? 
    143         cache.clear() 
    144         return 
    145     return dump 
    148115#FIXME: the below need expiration of cache due to time, calls, etc... 
    149 #       and potentially r/w to database, file, or other caching mechanism 
     116#       and r/w to file or other caching mechanisms 
    150117#FIXME: memoize*_round fails when decorating a class method 
    152 def memoized_nopickle_round(tol=0, deep=False): 
    153     """Decorator that memoizes a function's return value each time it is called. 
    154     If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    155     not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
    156     This decorator takes an integer tolerance 'tol', equal to the number of 
    157     decimal places to which it will round off floats. 
    158     This funciton does not pickle, and thus can only handle basic types. 
    159     """ 
    160     memo = {} 
    162     if deep: rounded = deep_round 
    163     else: rounded = simple_round 
    164    #else: rounded = shallow_round #FIXME: slow 
    166     @rounded(tol) 
    167     def rounded_args(*args, **kwds): 
    168         return (args, kwds) 
    170     def dec(f): 
    171         def func(*args, **kwds): 
    172             try: 
    173                 _args, _kwds = rounded_args(*args, **kwds) 
    174                 argstr = str((_args, _kwds)) 
    175                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    176                     memo[argstr] = f(*args, **kwds) 
    177                 return memo[argstr] 
    178             except: #TypeError 
    179                 return f(*args, **kwds) 
    180         func.memo = memo 
    181         return func 
    182     return dec 
    185 def memoized_round(tol=0, deep=False): 
    186     """Decorator that memoizes a function's return value each time it is called. 
    187     If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    188     not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
    189     This decorator takes an integer tolerance 'tol', equal to the number of 
    190     decimal places to which it will round off floats. 
    191     """ 
    192     memo = {} 
    194     if deep: rounded = deep_round 
    195     else: rounded = simple_round 
    196    #else: rounded = shallow_round #FIXME: slow 
    198     @rounded(tol) 
    199     def rounded_args(*args, **kwds): 
    200         return (args, kwds) 
    202     def dec(f): 
    203         def func(*args, **kwds): 
    204             try: 
    205                 _args, _kwds = rounded_args(*args, **kwds) 
    206                #import cPickle as pickle 
    207                 import dill as pickle 
    208                 argstr = pickle.dumps((_args, _kwds)) 
    209                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    210                     memo[argstr] = f(*args, **kwds) 
    211                 return memo[argstr] 
    212             except: #TypeError 
    213                 return f(*args, **kwds) 
    214         func.memo = memo 
    215         return func 
    216     return dec 
    220119# Want: 
    223122# - load an archive / update an existing archive 
    224123# - save some or all of memo to archive 
    225 def memoized_nopickle_archived(): 
    226     """Decorator that memoizes a function's return value each time it is called. 
    227     If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    228     not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
    229     This decorator takes an integer tolerance 'tol', equal to the number of 
    230     decimal places to which it will round off floats. 
    231     """ 
    232     memo = {} 
    233     load = load_factory(memo) 
    234     dump = dump_factory(memo) 
    236     def dec(f): 
    237         def func(*args, **kwds): 
    238             try: 
    239                 argstr = str((args, kwds)) 
    240                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    241                     load(argstr) 
    242                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    243                     memo[argstr] = f(*args, **kwds) 
    244                 return memo[argstr] 
    245             except: #TypeError 
    246                 return f(*args, **kwds) 
    247         func.memo = memo 
    248         func.load = load 
    249         func.dump = dump 
    250         return func 
    251     return dec 
    254 def memoized_archived(): 
    255     """Decorator that memoizes a function's return value each time it is called. 
    256     If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    257     not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
    258     This decorator takes an integer tolerance 'tol', equal to the number of 
    259     decimal places to which it will round off floats. 
    260     """ 
    261     memo = {} 
    262     load = load_factory(memo) 
    263     dump = dump_factory(memo) 
    265     def dec(f): 
    266         def func(*args, **kwds): 
    267             try: 
    268                #import cPickle as pickle 
    269                 import dill as pickle 
    270                 argstr = pickle.dumps((args, kwds)) 
    271                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    272                     load(argstr) 
    273                 if not memo.has_key(argstr): 
    274                     memo[argstr] = f(*args, **kwds) 
    275                 return memo[argstr]  #XXX: any automated dump to archive? 
    276             except: #TypeError 
    277                 return f(*args, **kwds) 
    278         func.memo = memo 
    279         func.load = load  #XXX: only use with no arguments? 
    280         func.dump = dump  #XXX: only use with no arguments? 
    281         return func 
    282     return dec 
     125class archive_dict(dict): 
     126    """dictionary augmented with load and dumps""" 
     127    def __get_archive(self, archive): 
     128        try: 
     129            f = open(archive, 'rb') 
     130            import dill as pickle 
     131            cache = pickle.load(f) 
     132            f.close() 
     133        except: 
     134            cache = {} 
     135        return cache 
     136    def load(self, archive=None, *args): 
     137        cache = self.__get_archive(archive) 
     138        if not args: 
     139            self.update(cache) 
     140        for arg in args: 
     141            if cache.has_key(arg): 
     142                self.update({arg:cache[arg]}) 
     143        cache.clear() 
     144        return 
     145    def dump(self, archive=None, *args): 
     146        cache = self.__get_archive(archive) 
     147        for arg in args: 
     148            if self.has_key(arg): 
     149                cache.update({arg:self.__getitem__(arg)}) 
     150        if not args: 
     151            cache.update(self) 
     152        try: 
     153            f = open(archive, 'wb') 
     154            import dill as pickle 
     155            pickle.dump(cache, f) 
     156        except: 
     157            pass  #XXX: warning? fail? 
     158        cache.clear() 
     159        return 
     160    pass 
     164class file_dict(archive_dict): 
     165    """dictionary-style interface to a file""" 
     166    def __init__(self, filename=None, serialized=True): # False 
     167        import os 
     168        """filename = full filepath""" 
     169        if filename is None: 
     170            if serialized: filename = 'memo.pkl' 
     171            else: filename = '' 
     172        self._filename = filename 
     173        if not os.path.exists(filename): 
     174            if serialized: self.dump(filename) 
     175            else: open(filename, 'wb').write('memo = {}') 
     176        return 
     177    pass 
    285181#XXX: should inherit from object not dict ? 
    286 class db_dict(dict): #XXX: requires UTF-8 key 
    287     """decorator that can memoize to a database (API mimics a dict) 
    288     """ 
     182class db_dict(archive_dict): #XXX: requires UTF-8 key 
     183    """dictionary-style interface to a database""" 
    289184    def __init__(self, database=None, table=None): 
    290185        """database = database url; table = table name""" 
    291         if database == None: database = ':memory:' 
     186        if database is None: database = ':memory:' 
    292187        self._database = database 
    293         if table == None: table = 'memo' 
     188        if table is None: table = 'memo' 
    294189        self._table = table 
    295190        import sqlite3 as db 
    371 def memoized(memo=None, serializer=str): 
     266def memoized(memo=None, serializer=str, tol=None, deep=False, archived=False): 
    372267    """Decorator that memoizes a function's return value each time it is called. 
    373268    If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    374269    not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
     270    This decorator takes an integer tolerance 'tol', equal to the number of 
     271    decimal places to which it will round off floats. 
    376273    memo = storage hashmap (default is {}) 
    377274    serializer = serializing function (e.g. pickle.dumps, but default is str) 
     275    tol = integer tolerance for rounding (default is None) 
     276    deep = boolean for rounding depth (default is False, i.e. 'shallow') 
     277    archived = boolean for archiving (default is False, i.e. "don't archive") 
    378278    """ 
    379     if memo == None: memo = dict() 
     279    if memo is None: memo = archive_dict() 
     280    elif type(memo) is dict: memo = archive_dict(memo) 
     281    # does archive make sense with databas, file, ?... (requires more thought) 
     283    if deep: rounded = deep_round 
     284    else: rounded = simple_round 
     285   #else: rounded = shallow_round #FIXME: slow 
     287    @rounded(tol) 
     288    def rounded_args(*args, **kwds): 
     289        return (args, kwds) 
    381291    def dec(f): 
    382292        def func(*args, **kwds): 
    383293            try: 
    384                 argstr = serializer((args, kwds)) 
     294                _args, _kwds = rounded_args(*args, **kwds) 
     295                argstr = serializer((_args, _kwds)) 
    385296                if memo.has_key(argstr): 
    386297                    return memo[argstr] 
     298                if archived: 
     299                    memo.load(argstr) 
     300                    if memo.has_key(argstr): 
     301                        return memo[argstr] 
    387302                res = f(*args, **kwds) 
    388                 memo[argstr] = res 
     303                memo[argstr] = res  #XXX: any automated dump to archive? 
    389304                return res 
    390305            except: #TypeError 
    391306                return f(*args, **kwds) 
    392307        func.memo = memo 
     308        if archived: #XXX: archiving should be toggleable? 
     309            func.load = memo.load  #XXX: comment out? 
     310            func.dump = memo.dump  #XXX: comment out? 
    393311        return func 
    394312    return dec 
    399317    If called later with the same arguments, the memoized value is returned, and 
    400318    not re-evaluated.  This may lead to memory issues, as memo is never cleared. 
     319    Can memoize a *method* on an object. 
    401320    """ 
    402321    def __init__(self, func): #memo=None, serializer=str): 
    403322      self.func = func 
    404      #if memo == None: memo = dict() 
     323     #if memo is None: memo = dict() 
    405324      self.memo = {} #memo 
    406325      import cPickle as pickle 
  • branches/decorate/

    r601 r658  
    22 from memoize import memoized_round, memoized_nopickle_round 
    23 from memoize import memoized_archived, memoized_nopickle_archived 
    24 #@memoized_round(0, deep=True)          # slower, but more robust 
    25 #@memoized_nopickle_round(0, deep=True) 
    26 #@memoized_archived()                   # slower, but more robust 
    27 @memoized_nopickle_archived() 
     22import dill 
     23from memoize import memoized 
     24#@memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, tol=0, deep=True) # slower, but more robust 
     25#@memoized(tol=0, deep=True) 
     26#@memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, archived=True)    # slower, but more robust 
    2828def marc_surr(x): 
    2929  """calculate perforation area using a tanh-based model surrogate 
  • branches/decorate/

    r601 r658  
    1 from memoize import memoized_nopickle_archived as memoized 
    2 #from memoize import memoized_archived as memoized 
     1from memoize import memoized 
    32from timer import timed 
    54# here caching saves time in a recursive function... 
    6 @memoized() 
    87def fibonacci(n): 
  • branches/decorate/

    r655 r658  
    23 #from memoize import memoized_nopickle_round as memoized 
    24 #from memoize import memoized_round as memoized 
    25 from memoize import memoized as memoized 
     23from memoize import memoized 
    2624#from memoize import memoize 
    2725from timer import timed 
     26import dill 
    3130    """A simple class with a memoized method""" 
    33     @memoized() 
     32    @memoized(serializer=dill.dumps) 
    3433    def eggs(self, *args, **kwds): 
    3534        print 'new:', args, kwds 
    5150# here caching saves time in a recursive function... 
    52 @memoized() 
    5453def fibonacci(n): 
    6463print '=' * 30 
    66 from memoize import memoized_round 
    6765from numpy import sum, asarray 
    68 @memoized_round(3) 
     66@memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, tol=3) 
    6967def add(*args): 
    7068    print 'new:', args 
    8886    return sum(x**2 - y**2) 
    90 cost1 = memoized_round(1)(cost) 
    91 cost0 = memoized_round(0)(cost) 
    92 costD = memoized_round(0, deep=True)(cost) 
     88cost1 = memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, tol=1)(cost) 
     89cost0 = memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, tol=0)(cost) 
     90costD = memoized(serializer=dill.dumps, tol=0, deep=True)(cost) 
    9492print "rounding to one decimals..." 
    114 from memoize import memoized 
    115112from memoize import db_dict  
    116 import dill as pickle 
     113import dill 
    118115def add(x,y): 
    138135print "re_dict_memo = %s" % add.memo 
    140 @memoized(serializer=pickle.dumps) 
    141138def add(x,y): 
    142139    return x+y 
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