Changeset 803

07/10/15 18:33:26 (10 months ago)

added some event-driven stats: median, mean, trimmed and windowed mean

1 added
1 edited


  • mystic/_math/

    r792 r803  
    504504    """impose a standard deviation on a list of points by reweighting weights""" 
    505505    return impose_reweighted_variance(s**2, samples, weights, solver) 
     507##### sampling statistics methods ##### 
     508def _sort(samples, weights=None): 
     509    "sort (weighted) samples; returns 2-D array of samples and weights" 
     510    import numpy as np 
     511    if weights is None: 
     512        x = np.ones((2,len(samples))) #XXX: casts to a float 
     513        x[0] = np.sort(samples) 
     514        return x 
     515    x = np.vstack([samples,weights]).T 
     516    return x[x[:,0].argsort()].T 
     519def median(samples, weights=None): 
     520    """calculate the (weighted) median for a list of points 
     523    samples -- a list of sample points 
     524    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     526    import numpy as np 
     527    x,w = _sort(samples,weights) 
     528    s = sum(w) 
     529    return np.mean(x[s/2. - np.cumsum(w) <= 0][0:2-x.size%2]) 
     532def mad(samples, weights=None): #, scale=1.4826): 
     533    """calculate the (weighted) median absolute deviation for a list of points 
     536    samples -- a list of sample points 
     537    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     539    s = sarray(samples) 
     540    return median(abs(s - median(samples,weights)),weights) # * scale 
     543#XXX: impose median by ensuring equal # samples < & >... (and not shifting) ? 
     544def impose_median(m, samples, weights=None): 
     545    """impose a median on a list of (weighted) points 
     546    (this function is 'range-preserving' and 'mad-preserving') 
     549    m -- the target median 
     550    samples -- a list of sample points 
     551    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     553    s = asarray(samples) 
     554    return (s + (m - median(samples, weights))).tolist() 
     557def impose_mad(s, samples, weights=None): 
     558    """impose a median absolute deviation on a list of (weighted) points 
     559    (this function is 'median-preserving') 
     562    s -- the target median absolute deviation 
     563    samples -- a list of sample points 
     564    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     566    import numpy as np 
     567    m = median(samples, weights) 
     568    samples = np.asarray(list(samples)) 
     569    _mad = mad(samples,weights) 
     570    if not _mad: # protect against ZeroDivision when mad = 0 
     571        return [np.nan]*len(samples) 
     572    scale = float(s) / _mad 
     573    samples = samples * scale #NOTE: not "median-preserving" until next line 
     574    return impose_median(m, samples, weights) #NOTE: not "range-preserving" 
     577def _k(weights, k=0, clip=False, norm=False, eps=15): #XXX: better 9 ? 
     578    "trim weights at k%; if clip is True, winsorize instead of trim" 
     579    #NOTE: eps is tolerance for cancellation of similar values 
     580    import numpy as np 
     581    try: 
     582        klo,khi = k 
     583    except TypeError: 
     584        klo = khi = k 
     585    if klo + khi > 100: 
     586        msg = "cannot crop '%s + %s > 100' percent" % (klo,khi) 
     587        raise ValueError(msg) 
     588    elif klo < 0 or khi < 0: 
     589        msg = "cannot crop negative percent '%s + %s'" % (klo,khi) 
     590        raise ValueError(msg) 
     591    else: 
     592        klo,khi = .01*klo,.01*khi 
     593    w = np.array(weights, dtype=float)/sum(weights)  #XXX: no dtype? 
     594    w_lo, w_hi = np.cumsum(w), np.cumsum(w[::-1]) 
     595    # calculate the cropped indicies 
     596    lo = len(w) - sum((w_lo - klo).round(eps) > 0) 
     597    hi = sum((w_hi - khi).round(eps) > 0) - 1 
     598    # flip indices if flipped 
     599    if lo > hi: 
     600        lo,hi = hi,lo 
     601    if not clip: 
     602        # find the values at k% 
     603        w_lo = w_lo[lo] 
     604        w_hi = w_hi[len(w)-1-hi] 
     605        # reset the values at k% 
     606        if klo + khi == 1: 
     607            w[lo] = w[hi] = 0 
     608        elif lo == hi: 
     609            w[lo] = max(1 - khi - klo,0) 
     610        else:  
     611            w[lo] = max(w_lo - klo,0) 
     612            w[hi] = max(w_hi - khi,0) 
     613    else: 
     614        # reset the values at k% 
     615        if lo == hi: 
     616            w[lo] = sum(w) 
     617        else:  
     618            w[lo] += sum(w[:lo]) 
     619            w[hi] += sum(w[hi+1:]) 
     620    # trim the remaining weights 
     621    w[:lo] = 0 
     622    w[hi+1:] = 0 
     623    if not norm: w *= sum(weights) 
     624    return w.tolist() 
     627def tmean(samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     628    """calculate the (weighted) trimmed mean for a list of points 
     631    samples -- a list of sample points 
     632    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     633    k -- percent samples to trim (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     634    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     636NOTE: if all samples are excluded, will return nan 
     638    samples,weights = _sort(samples,weights) 
     639    weights = _k(weights,k,clip) 
     640    return sum(samples * weights)/sum(weights) 
     643def tvariance(samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     644    """calculate the (weighted) trimmed variance for a list of points 
     647    samples -- a list of sample points 
     648    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     649    k -- percent samples to trim (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     650    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     652NOTE: if all samples are excluded, will return nan 
     654    samples,weights = _sort(samples,weights) 
     655    weights = _k(weights,k,clip) 
     656    trim_mean = sum(samples * weights)/sum(weights) 
     657    return mean(abs(samples - trim_mean)**2, weights) #XXX: correct ? 
     660def tstd(samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     661    """calculate the (weighted) trimmed standard deviation for a list of points 
     664    samples -- a list of sample points 
     665    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     666    k -- percent samples to trim (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     667    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     669NOTE: if all samples are excluded, will return nan 
     671    import numpy as np 
     672    return np.sqrt(tvariance(samples, weights, k, clip)) 
     675#XXX: use reweighting to impose tmean, tvariance, tstd, median, & mad ? 
     676def impose_tmean(m, samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     677    """impose a trimmed mean (at k%) on a list of (weighted) points 
     678    (this function is 'range-preserving' and 'tvariance-preserving') 
     681    m -- the target trimmed mean 
     682    samples -- a list of sample points 
     683    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     684    k -- percent samples to be trimmed (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     685    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     687    s = asarray(samples) 
     688    return (s + (m - tmean(samples, weights, k=k, clip=clip))).tolist() 
     691def impose_tvariance(v, samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     692    """impose a trimmed variance (at k%) on a list of (weighted) points 
     693    (this function is 'tmean-preserving') 
     696    v -- the target trimmed variance 
     697    samples -- a list of sample points 
     698    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     699    k -- percent samples to be trimmed (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     700    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     702    import numpy as np 
     703    m = tmean(samples, weights, k=k, clip=clip) 
     704    samples = np.asarray(list(samples)) 
     706    tvar = tvariance(samples,weights,k=k,clip=clip) 
     707    if not tvar: # protect against ZeroDivision when tvar = 0 
     708        return [np.nan]*len(samples) #XXX: k? 
     709    scale = np.sqrt(float(v) / tvar) 
     710    samples = samples * scale #NOTE: not "tmean-preserving" until next line 
     711    return impose_tmean(m, samples, weights, k=k, clip=clip) #NOTE: not "range-preserving" 
     714def impose_tstd(s, samples, weights=None, k=0, clip=False): 
     715    """impose a trimmed std (at k%) on a list of (weighted) points 
     716    (this function is 'tmean-preserving') 
     719    s -- the target trimmed standard deviation 
     720    samples -- a list of sample points 
     721    weights -- a list of sample weights 
     722    k -- percent samples to be trimmed (k%) [tuple (lo,hi) or float if lo=hi] 
     723    clip -- if True, winsorize instead of trimming k% of samples 
     725    return impose_tvariance(s**2, samples, weights, k=k, clip=clip) 
    507728##### misc methods ##### 
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