Changeset 804

07/16/15 16:36:54 (10 months ago)

add model_plotter as a callable function

1 added
1 edited


  • mystic/scripts/

    r790 r804  
    33# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation) 
     4# Author: Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (jchris.fillionr 
    45# Copyright (c) 1997-2015 California Institute of Technology. 
    56# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at: 
    67#  - 
    8 __doc__ = """ 
    9 [options] model (filename) 
     9from mystic.model_plotter import model_plotter 
    11 generate surface contour plots for model, specified by full import path 
    12 generate model trajectory from logfile (or solver restart file), if provided 
    14 The option "bounds" takes an indicator string, where the bounds should 
    15 be given as comma-separated slices. For example, using bounds = "-1:10, 0:20" 
    16 will set the lower and upper bounds for x to be (-1,10) and y to be (0,20). 
    17 The "step" can also be given, to control the number of lines plotted in the 
    18 grid. Thus "-1:10:.1, 0:20" would set the bounds as above, but use increments 
    19 of .1 along x and the default step along y.  For models with > 2D, the bounds 
    20 can be used to specify 2 dimensions plus fixed values for remaining dimensions. 
    21 Thus, "-1:10, 0:20, 1.0" would plot the 2D surface where the z-axis was fixed 
    22 at z=1.0. 
    24 The option "label" takes comma-separated strings. For example, label = "x,y," 
    25 will place 'x' on the x-axis, 'y' on the y-axis, and nothing on the z-axis. 
    26 LaTeX is also accepted. For example, label = "$ h $, $ {\\alpha}$, $ v$" will 
    27 label the axes with standard LaTeX math formatting. Note that the leading 
    28 space is required, while a trailing space aligns the text with the axis 
    29 instead of the plot frame. 
    31 The option "reduce" can be given to reduce the output of a model to a scalar, 
    32 thus converting 'model(params)' to 'reduce(model(params))'. A reducer is given 
    33 by the import path (e.g. 'numpy.add'). The option "scale" will convert the plot 
    34 to log-scale, and scale the cost by 'z=log(4*z*scale+1)+2'. This is useful for 
    35 visualizing small contour changes around the minimium. If using log-scale 
    36 produces negative numbers, the option "shift" can be used to shift the cost 
    37 by 'z=z+shift'. Both shift and scale are intended to help visualize contours. 
    39 Required Inputs: 
    40   model               full import path for the model (e.g. mystic.models.rosen) 
    42 Additional Inputs: 
    43   filename            name of the convergence logfile (e.g. log.txt) 
    44 """ 
    46 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d 
    47 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    48 from matplotlib import cm 
    50 from mystic.munge import read_history 
    51 from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, raw_to_support 
    53 #XXX: better if reads single id only? (e.g. same interface as read_history) 
    54 def get_history(source, ids=None): 
    55     """get params and cost from the given source 
    57 source is the name of the trajectory logfile (or solver instance) 
    58 if provided, ids are the list of 'run ids' to select 
    59     """ 
    60     try: # if it's a logfile, it might be multi-id 
    61         step, param, cost = logfile_reader(source) 
    62     except: # it's not a logfile, so read and return 
    63         param, cost = read_history(source) 
    64         return [param],[cost] 
    66     # split (i,id) into iteration and id 
    67     multinode = len(step[0]) - 1  #XXX: what if step = []? 
    68     if multinode: id = [i[1] for i in step] 
    69     else: id = [0 for i in step] 
    71     params = [[] for i in range(max(id) + 1)] 
    72     costs = [[] for i in range(len(params))] 
    73     # populate params for each id with the corresponding (param,cost) 
    74     for i in range(len(id)): 
    75         if ids is None or id[i] in ids: # take only the selected 'id' 
    76             params[id[i]].append(param[i]) 
    77             costs[id[i]].append(cost[i]) 
    78     params = [r for r in params if len(r)] # only keep selected 'ids' 
    79     costs = [r for r in costs if len(r)] # only keep selected 'ids' 
    81     # convert to support format 
    82     for i in range(len(params)): 
    83         params[i], costs[i] = raw_to_support(params[i], costs[i]) 
    84     return params, costs 
    87 def get_instance(location, *args, **kwds): 
    88     """given the import location of a model or model class, return the model 
    90 args and kwds will be passed to the constructor of the model class 
    91     """ 
    92     package, target = location.rsplit('.',1) 
    93     exec "from %s import %s as model" % (package, target) 
    94     import inspect 
    95     if inspect.isclass(model): 
    96         model = model(*args, **kwds) 
    97     return model 
    100 def parse_input(option): 
    101     """parse 'option' string into 'select', 'axes', and 'mask' 
    103 select contains the dimension specifications on which to plot 
    104 axes holds the indicies of the parameters selected to plot 
    105 mask is a dictionary of the parameter indicies and fixed values 
    107 For example, 
    108     >>> select, axes, mask = parse_input("-1:10:.1, 0.0, 5.0, -50:50:.5") 
    109     >>> select 
    110     [0, 3] 
    111     >>> axes 
    112     "-1:10:.1, -50:50:.5" 
    113     >>> mask 
    114     {1: 0.0, 2: 5.0} 
    115     """ 
    116     option = option.split(',') 
    117     select = [] 
    118     axes = [] 
    119     mask = {} 
    120     for index,value in enumerate(option): 
    121         if ":" in value: 
    122             select.append(index) 
    123             axes.append(value) 
    124         else: 
    125             mask.update({index:float(value)}) 
    126     axes = ','.join(axes) 
    127     return select, axes, mask 
    130 def parse_axes(option, grid=True): 
    131     """parse option string into grid axes; using modified numpy.ogrid notation 
    133 For example: 
    134   option='-1:10:.1, 0:10:.1' yields x,y=ogrid[-1:10:.1,0:10:.1], 
    136 If grid is False, accept options suitable for line plotting. 
    137 For example: 
    138   option='-1:10' yields x=ogrid[-1:10] and y=0, 
    139   option='-1:10, 2' yields x=ogrid[-1:10] and y=2, 
    141 Returns tuple (x,y) with 'x,y' defined above. 
    142     """ 
    143     import numpy 
    144     option = option.split(',') 
    145     opt = dict(zip(['x','y','z'],option)) 
    146     if len(option) > 2 or len(option) < 1: 
    147         raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    148     z = bool(grid) 
    149     if len(option) == 1: opt['y'] = '0' 
    150     xd = True if ':' in opt['x'] else False 
    151     yd = True if ':' in opt['y'] else False 
    152     #XXX: accepts option='3:1', '1:1', and '1:2:10' (try to catch?) 
    153     if xd and yd: 
    154         try: # x,y form a 2D grid 
    155             exec('x,y = numpy.ogrid[%s,%s]' % (opt['x'],opt['y'])) 
    156         except: # AttributeError: 
    157             raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    158     elif xd and not z: 
    159         try: 
    160             exec('x = numpy.ogrid[%s]' % opt['x']) 
    161             y = float(opt['y']) 
    162         except: # (AttributeError, SyntaxError, ValueError): 
    163             raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    164     elif yd and not z: 
    165         try: 
    166             x = float(opt['x']) 
    167             exec('y = numpy.ogrid[%s]' % opt['y']) 
    168         except: # (AttributeError, SyntaxError, ValueError): 
    169             raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    170     else: 
    171         raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    172     if not x.size or not y.size: 
    173         raise ValueError("invalid format string: '%s'" % ','.join(option)) 
    174     return x,y 
    177 def draw_projection(x, cost, scale=True, shift=False, style=None, figure=None): 
    178     """draw a solution trajectory (for overlay on a 1D plot) 
    180 x is the sequence of values for one parameter (i.e. a parameter trajectory) 
    181 cost is the sequence of costs (i.e. the solution trajectory) 
    182 if scale is provided, scale the intensity as 'z = log(4*z*scale+1)+2' 
    183 if shift is provided, shift the intensity as 'z = z+shift' (useful for -z's) 
    184 if style is provided, set the line style (e.g. 'w-o', 'k-', 'ro') 
    185 if figure is provided, plot to an existing figure 
    186     """ 
    187     if not figure: figure = plt.figure() 
    188     ax = figure.gca() 
    189     ax.autoscale(tight=True) 
    191     if style in [None, False]: 
    192         style = 'k-o' 
    193     import numpy 
    194     if shift:  
    195         if shift is True: #NOTE: MAY NOT be the exact minimum 
    196             shift = max(-numpy.min(cost), 0.0) + 0.5 # a good guess 
    197         cost = numpy.asarray(cost)+shift 
    198     cost = numpy.asarray(cost) 
    199     if scale: 
    200         cost = numpy.log(4*cost*scale+1)+2 
    202     ax.plot(x,cost, style, linewidth=2, markersize=4) 
    203     #XXX: need to 'correct' the z-axis (or provide easy conversion) 
    204     return figure 
    207 def draw_trajectory(x, y, cost=None, scale=True, shift=False, style=None, figure=None): 
    208     """draw a solution trajectory (for overlay on a contour plot) 
    210 x is a sequence of values for one parameter (i.e. a parameter trajectory) 
    211 y is a sequence of values for one parameter (i.e. a parameter trajectory) 
    212 cost is the solution trajectory (i.e. costs); if provided, plot a 3D contour 
    213 if scale is provided, scale the intensity as 'z = log(4*z*scale+1)+2' 
    214 if shift is provided, shift the intensity as 'z = z+shift' (useful for -z's) 
    215 if style is provided, set the line style (e.g. 'w-o', 'k-', 'ro') 
    216 if figure is provided, plot to an existing figure 
    217     """ 
    218     if not figure: figure = plt.figure() 
    220     if cost: kwds = {'projection':'3d'} # 3D 
    221     else: kwds = {}                     # 2D 
    222     ax = figure.gca(**kwds) 
    224     if style in [None, False]: 
    225         style = 'w-o' #if not scale else 'k-o' 
    226     if cost: # is 3D, cost is needed 
    227         import numpy 
    228         if shift:  
    229             if shift is True: #NOTE: MAY NOT be the exact minimum 
    230                 shift = max(-numpy.min(cost), 0.0) + 0.5 # a good guess 
    231             cost = numpy.asarray(cost)+shift 
    232         if scale: 
    233             cost = numpy.asarray(cost) 
    234             cost = numpy.log(4*cost*scale+1)+2 
    235         ax.plot(x,y,cost, style, linewidth=2, markersize=4) 
    236         #XXX: need to 'correct' the z-axis (or provide easy conversion) 
    237     else:    # is 2D, cost not needed 
    238         ax.plot(x,y, style, linewidth=2, markersize=4) 
    239     return figure 
    242 def draw_slice(f, x, y=None, scale=True, shift=False): 
    243     """plot a slice of a 2D function 'f' in 1D 
    245 x is an array used to set up the axis 
    246 y is a fixed value for the 2nd axis 
    247 if scale is provided, scale the intensity as 'z = log(4*z*scale+1)+2' 
    248 if shift is provided, shift the intensity as 'z = z+shift' (useful for -z's) 
    250 NOTE: when plotting the 'y-axis' at fixed 'x', 
    251 pass the array to 'y' and the fixed value to 'x' 
    252     """ 
    253     import numpy 
    255     if y is None: 
    256         y = 0.0 
    257     x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) 
    258     plotx = True if numpy.all(y == y[0,0]) else False 
    260     z = 0*x 
    261     s,t = x.shape 
    262     for i in range(s): 
    263         for j in range(t): 
    264             xx,yy = x[i,j], y[i,j] 
    265             z[i,j] = f([xx,yy]) 
    266     if shift: 
    267         if shift is True: shift = max(-numpy.min(z), 0.0) + 0.5 # exact minimum 
    268         z = z+shift 
    269     if scale: z = numpy.log(4*z*scale+1)+2 
    270     #XXX: need to 'correct' the z-axis (or provide easy conversion) 
    272     fig = plt.figure() 
    273     ax = fig.gca() 
    274     ax.autoscale(tight=True) 
    275     if plotx: 
    276         ax.plot(x.reshape(-1), z.reshape(-1)) 
    277     else: 
    278         ax.plot(y.reshape(-1), z.reshape(-1)) 
    279     return fig 
    282 def draw_contour(f, x, y=None, surface=False, fill=True, scale=True, shift=False, density=5): 
    283     """draw a contour plot for a given 2D function 'f' 
    285 x and y are arrays used to set up a 2D mesh grid 
    286 if fill is True, color fill the contours 
    287 if surface is True, plot the contours as a 3D projection 
    288 if scale is provided, scale the intensity as 'z = log(4*z*scale+1)+2' 
    289 if shift is provided, shift the intensity as 'z = z+shift' (useful for -z's) 
    290 use density to adjust the number of contour lines 
    291     """ 
    292     import numpy 
    294     if y is None: 
    295         y = x 
    296     x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) 
    298     z = 0*x 
    299     s,t = x.shape 
    300     for i in range(s): 
    301         for j in range(t): 
    302             xx,yy = x[i,j], y[i,j] 
    303             z[i,j] = f([xx,yy]) 
    304     if shift: 
    305         if shift is True: shift = max(-numpy.min(z), 0.0) + 0.5 # exact minimum 
    306         z = z+shift 
    307     if scale: z = numpy.log(4*z*scale+1)+2 
    308     #XXX: need to 'correct' the z-axis (or provide easy conversion) 
    310     fig = plt.figure() 
    311     if surface and fill is None: # 'hidden' option; full 3D surface plot 
    312         ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') 
    313         d = max(11 - density, 1) # or 1/density ? 
    314         kwds = {'rstride':d,'cstride':d,'cmap':cm.jet,'linewidth':0} 
    315         ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, **kwds) 
    316     else: 
    317         if surface: kwds = {'projection':'3d'} # 3D 
    318         elif surface is None: # 1D 
    319             raise NotImplementedError('need to add an option string parser') 
    320         else: kwds = {}                        # 2D 
    321         ax = fig.gca(**kwds) 
    322         density = 10*density 
    323         if fill: plotf = ax.contourf  # filled contours 
    324         else: plotf = ax.contour      # wire contours 
    325         plotf(x, y, z, density, cmap=cm.jet) 
    326     return fig 
     11__doc__ = model_plotter.__doc__ 
    32913if __name__ == '__main__': 
    330    #FIXME: should be able to: 
    331    # - apply a constraint as a region of NaN -- apply when 'xx,yy=x[ij],y[ij]' 
    332    # - apply a penalty by shifting the surface (plot w/alpha?) -- as above 
    333    # - build an appropriately-sized default grid (from logfile info) 
    334    # - move all mulit-id param/cost reading into read_history 
    335    #FIXME: current issues: 
    336    # - 1D slice and projection work for 2D function, but aren't "pretty" 
    337    # - 1D slice and projection for 1D function, is it meaningful and correct? 
    338    # - should be able to plot from solver.genealogy (multi-monitor?) [1D,2D,3D?] 
    339    # - should be able to scale 'z-axis' instead of scaling 'z' itself 
    340    #   (see 
    341    # - if trajectory outside contour grid, will increase bounds 
    342    #   (see for how to fix bounds) 
    344     #XXX: note that 'argparse' is new as of python2.7 
    345     from optparse import OptionParser 
    346     parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__) 
    347     parser.add_option("-b","--bounds",action="store",dest="bounds",\ 
    348                       metavar="STR",default="-5:5:.1, -5:5:.1", 
    349                       help="indicator string to set plot bounds and density") 
    350     parser.add_option("-l","--label",action="store",dest="label",\ 
    351                       metavar="STR",default=",,", 
    352                       help="string to assign label to axis") 
    353     parser.add_option("-n","--nid",action="store",dest="id",\ 
    354                       metavar="INT",default=None, 
    355                       help="id # of the nth simultaneous points to plot") 
    356     parser.add_option("-i","--iter",action="store",dest="stop",\ 
    357                       metavar="STR",default=":", 
    358                       help="string for smallest:largest iterations to plot") 
    359     parser.add_option("-r","--reduce",action="store",dest="reducer",\ 
    360                       metavar="STR",default="None", 
    361                       help="import path of output reducer function") 
    362     parser.add_option("-x","--scale",action="store",dest="zscale",\ 
    363                       metavar="INT",default=0.0, 
    364                       help="scale plotted cost by z=log(4*z*scale+1)+2") 
    365     parser.add_option("-z","--shift",action="store",dest="zshift",\ 
    366                       metavar="INT",default=0.0, 
    367                       help="shift plotted cost by z=z+shift") 
    368     parser.add_option("-f","--fill",action="store_true",dest="fill",\ 
    369                       default=False,help="plot using filled contours") 
    370     parser.add_option("-d","--depth",action="store_true",dest="surface",\ 
    371                       default=False,help="plot contours showing depth in 3D") 
    372     parser.add_option("-o","--dots",action="store_true",dest="dots",\ 
    373                       default=False,help="show trajectory points in plot") 
    374     parser.add_option("-j","--join",action="store_true",dest="line",\ 
    375                       default=False,help="connect trajectory points in plot") 
    376     parsed_opts, parsed_args = parser.parse_args() 
    378     # get the import path for the model 
    379     model = parsed_args[0]  # e.g. 'mystic.models.rosen' 
    380     if "None" == model: model = None #XXX: 'required'... allow this? 
    382     try: # get the name of the parameter log file 
    383       source = parsed_args[1]  # e.g. 'log.txt' 
    384     except: 
    385       source = None 
    387     try: # select the bounds 
    388       options = parsed_opts.bounds  # format is "-1:10:.1, -1:10:.1, 1.0" 
    389     except: 
    390       options = "-5:5:.1, -5:5:.1" 
    392     try: # plot using filled contours 
    393       fill = parsed_opts.fill 
    394     except: 
    395       fill = False 
    397     try: # plot contours showing depth in 3D 
    398       surface = parsed_opts.surface 
    399     except: 
    400       surface = False 
    402     #XXX: can't do '-x' with no argument given  (use T/F instead?) 
    403     try: # scale plotted cost by z=log(4*z*scale+1)+2 
    404       scale = float(parsed_opts.zscale) 
    405       if not scale: scale = False 
    406     except: 
    407       scale = False 
    409     #XXX: can't do '-z' with no argument given 
    410     try: # shift plotted cost by z=z+shift 
    411       shift = float(parsed_opts.zshift) 
    412       if not shift: shift = False 
    413     except: 
    414       shift = False 
    416     try: # import path of output reducer function 
    417       reducer = parsed_opts.reducer  # e.g. 'numpy.add' 
    418       if "None" == reducer: reducer = None 
    419     except: 
    420       reducer = None 
    422     style = '-' # default linestyle 
    423     if parsed_opts.dots: 
    424       mark = 'o' # marker=mark 
    425       # when using 'dots', also can turn off 'line' 
    426       if not parsed_opts.line: 
    427         style = '' # linestyle='None' 
    428     else: 
    429       mark = '' 
    430     color = 'w' if fill else 'k' 
    431     style = color + style + mark 
    433     try: # select labels for the axes 
    434       label = parsed_opts.label.split(',')  # format is "x, y, z" 
    435     except: 
    436       label = ['','',''] 
    438     try: # select which 'id' to plot results for 
    439       ids = (int(,) #XXX: allow selecting more than one id ? 
    440     except: 
    441       ids = None # i.e. 'all' 
    443     try: # select which iteration to stop plotting at 
    444       stop = parsed_opts.stop  # format is "1:10:1" 
    445       stop = stop if ":" in stop else ":"+stop 
    446     except: 
    447       stop = ":" 
    449     ################################################# 
    450     solver = None  # set to 'mystic.solvers.fmin' (or similar) for 'live' fits 
    451     #NOTE: 'live' runs constrain params explicitly in the solver, then reduce 
    452     #      dimensions appropriately so results can be 2D contour plotted. 
    453     #      When working with legacy results that have more than 2 params, 
    454     #      the trajectory WILL NOT follow the masked surface generated 
    455     #      because the masked params were NOT fixed when the solver was run. 
    456     ################################################# 
    458     from import reduced, masked, partial 
    460     # process inputs 
    461     select, spec, mask = parse_input(options) 
    462     x,y = parse_axes(spec, grid=True) # grid=False for 1D plots 
    463     #FIXME: does grid=False still make sense here...? 
    464     if reducer: reducer = get_instance(reducer) 
    465     if solver and (not source or not model): 
    466         raise RuntimeError('a model and results filename are required') 
    467     elif not source and not model: 
    468         raise RuntimeError('a model or a results file is required') 
    469     if model: 
    470         model = get_instance(model) 
    471         # need a reducer if model returns an array 
    472         if reducer: model = reduced(reducer, arraylike=False)(model) 
    474     if solver: 
    475         # if 'live'... pick a solver 
    476         solver = 'mystic.solvers.fmin' 
    477         solver = get_instance(solver) 
    478         xlen = len(select)+len(mask) 
    479         if solver.__name__.startswith('diffev'): 
    480             initial = [(-1,1)]*xlen 
    481         else: 
    482             initial = [0]*xlen 
    483         from mystic.monitors import VerboseLoggingMonitor 
    484         itermon = VerboseLoggingMonitor(filename=source, new=True) 
    485         # explicitly constrain parameters 
    486         model = partial(mask)(model) 
    487         # solve 
    488         sol = solver(model, x0=initial, itermon=itermon) 
    490         #-OVERRIDE-INPUTS-#  
    491         import numpy 
    492         # read trajectories from monitor (comment out to use logfile) 
    493         source = itermon 
    494         # if negative minimum, shift by the 'solved minimum' plus an epsilon 
    495         shift = max(-numpy.min(itermon.y), 0.0) + 0.5 # a good guess 
    496         #-----------------# 
    498     if model: # for plotting, implicitly constrain by reduction 
    499         model = masked(mask)(model) 
    501        ## plot the surface in 1D 
    502        #if solver: v=sol[-1] 
    503        #elif source: v=cost[-1] 
    504        #else: v=None 
    505        #fig0 = draw_slice(model, x=x, y=v, scale=scale, shift=shift) 
    506         # plot the surface in 2D or 3D 
    507         fig = draw_contour(model, x, y, surface=surface, fill=fill, scale=scale, shift=shift) 
    508     else: 
    509        #fig0 = None 
    510         fig = None 
    512     if source: 
    513         # params are the parameter trajectories 
    514         # cost is the solution trajectory 
    515         params, cost = get_history(source, ids) 
    516         if len(cost) > 1: style = style[1:] # 'auto-color' #XXX: or grayscale? 
    518         for p,c in zip(params, cost): 
    519            ## project trajectory on a 1D slice of model surface #XXX: useful? 
    520            #s = select[0] if len(select) else 0 
    521            #px = p[int(s)] # draw_projection requires one parameter 
    522            ## ignore everything after 'stop' 
    523            #_c = eval('c[%s]' % stop) 
    524            #_x = eval('px[%s]' % stop) 
    525            #fig0 = draw_projection(_x,_c, style=style, scale=scale, shift=shift, figure=fig0) 
    527             # plot the trajectory on the model surface (2D or 3D) 
    528             # get two selected params #XXX: what if len(select)<2? or len(p)<2? 
    529             p = [p[int(i)] for i in select[:2]] 
    530             px,py = p # draw_trajectory requires two parameters 
    531             # ignore everything after 'stop' 
    532             _x = eval('px[%s]' % stop) 
    533             _y = eval('py[%s]' % stop) 
    534             _c = eval('c[%s]' % stop) if surface else None 
    535             fig = draw_trajectory(_x,_y,_c, style=style, scale=scale, shift=shift, figure=fig) 
    537     # add labels to the axes 
    538     if surface: kwds = {'projection':'3d'} # 3D 
    539     else: kwds = {}                        # 2D 
    540     ax = fig.gca(**kwds) 
    541     ax.set_xlabel(label[0]) 
    542     ax.set_ylabel(label[1]) 
    543     if surface: ax.set_zlabel(label[2]) 
     15    import sys 
     16    model_plotter(cmdargs=sys.argv[1:]) 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.