Ticket #76 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

not all termination conditions work for all solvers

Reported by: mmckerns Owned by: mmckerns
Priority: major Milestone: mystic-0.2a1
Component: mystic.solvers Keywords:


In theory, all termination conditions should be able to be applied to any of the solvers.

As of r177, using CandidateRelativeTolerance for DEsolver fails. Other termination condition / solver pairs should be tested.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by altafang

see  revision 183 for some tests

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by mmckerns

BUG in LINE 42 in termination.py ==> diff = tolerance*(abs(hist[-generations])+abs(hist[-1])) + eta

File "build/bdist.macosx-10.3-i386/egg/mystic/termination.py", line 42,

in _ IndexError?: list index out of range

def NormalizedChangeOverGeneration?(tolerance = 1e-4, generations = 2):

"""normalized change in cost is < tolerance over number of generations:

(cost[-g] - cost[-1]) / 0.5*(abs(cost[-g]) + abs(cost[-1])) <= tolerance"""

eta = 1e-20 def _(inst):

hist = inst.energy_history lg = len(hist) diff = tolerance*(abs(hist[-generations])+abs(hist[-1])) + eta return lg > generations and 2.0*(hist[-generations]-hist[-1]) <=


return _

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by mmckerns

BUG in LINE 56 in termination.py ==> and max(abs(fsim[0]-fsim[1:])) <= ftol)

File "build/bdist.macosx-10.3-i386/egg/mystic/termination.py", line 56,

in _ TypeError?: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'list'

def CandidateRelativeTolerance?(xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4):

"""absolute difference in candidates is < tolerance:

abs(xi-x0) <= xtol & abs(fi-f0) <= ftol, where x=params & f=cost"""

def _(inst):

sim = inst.population fsim = inst.popEnergy #FIXME: abs(inf - inf) will raise a warning... errdict = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore') #FIXME: turn off warning answer = (max(numpy.ravel(abs(sim[1:]-sim[0]))) <= xtol \

and max(abs(fsim[0]-fsim[1:])) <= ftol)

numpy.seterr(invalid=errdictinvalid?) #FIXME: turn on warnings return answer

return _

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by mmckerns

  • Status changed from new to assigned

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by mmckerns

  • Status changed from assigned to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

fixed bugs in termination conditions in r239

Chose to throw a WARNING instead of an ERROR for CandidateRelativeTolerance? when nPop < 2. Is this the best behavior?

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